We offer individualized, affordable monthly plans.
Our Services
Comprehensive History and Physical, 3D Body Composition Analysis, Diet Plan, Nutritional Counseling, Behavioral Modification Education, and In-office or Virtual appointment follow-ups.
Comprehensive Plan
We conveniently offer Telehealth appointments, which can be conducted virtually once you have completed a comprehensive in-office assessment.
Telehealth Appointments
Optimal Weight Loss understands that sometimes life prevents the ability to be present for in-office appointments. Our in-home assessments are specially designed for clients who have mobility issues or are attempting to lose weight in preparation for orthopedic joint replacement surgery. If you fit the in-home assessment criterion, we may be able to bring the office to you for your initial assessment.
In-Home Initial Assessments
Obesity has a mind-body interaction and sometimes calls for additional focused counseling with a Licensed Mental Health Provider and/or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Studies have shown that certain medications, increased stress, anxiety, depression, and other disorders can lead to overeating and/or binge Eating.
We are passionate about treating the whole person and can offer services through one of our licensed health professionals.